Day 122 - Greenock Departure

Day 122 -  Last few weeks of our adventure

After a great weeks sailing, Frank and Steph left us from Glasgow by plane the day after we arrived at Greenock.  This gave us a few days off so that we couple spend with my cousin Sue and Colin again, before our next guest arrived.  We had some great trips out touring the Falkirk Wheel, Trossocks and Loch Lomond and even managed to track down the illusive 'Haggis', albeit stuffed and in a glass cage.

The illusive 'Haggis'                               Falkirk Wheel 

The spare time also gave us a chance to partially explore Glasgow.  The bus in was excellent, as usual in Scotland, and the 'City Tourist Bus' is also good value to get your bearings of the fantastic city (it only costs a pound for an extra day).

Greenock to Largs - 15th August, 2017

Mick and Linda again joined us on our proposed trip to Belfast, but we had to delay by a day because of the bad weather forecast - story of our adventure.  The 17 mile trip was drama free apart from a little rain. 
The plan was to sail on to Troon, Stanraer and then probably Carrickfergis - we needed 3 sailing days and our time was getting shorter.  Unfortunately, the weather forecasted the next day was bad so we stayed an extra night and with no real sign of a let up to allow to get to Belfast by the time Mick and Linda had booked their flight.  It was decision time again, I had already told Joanne who was due to pick us up at Belfast for the onward trip to Liverpool that we would be coming back to Greenock instead for our winter layover.  Do we carry on or go back to Greenock?  In a way the decision had already been made for us so we made our way back to Greenock. 
As it turned out the 25-30 knot Southerly wind which would have been a real pain to sail into, actually gave us a really good sail although 'Scotch Mist' was never far away.  Mick and Linda had changed their flight and were due to leave us on 21st Aug and my daughter Joanne and grandson Owen were to arrive on the 22nd.  It would give us another chance to explore Glasgow's culture and City's restaurants.
Mick and Linda at  the Science Centre

Joanne and Owen arrived by plane and train and would be with us for a week.  The plan was to do some day sailing around the Clyde and the Loch's.  We did manage to sail the day after they arrived over to Holy Loch and Dunoon, mainly to look at the moorings in Holy Loch with a view to come again for a Highland Gathering later in the week at Dunoon.  It was a lovely sail and as it turned out it would be the last of our adventure.
The Homemade burger bar at James Watt Dock

Joanne had to get back to Ramsgate for my other grandson's birthday on the 30th and flew back with Owen on the 29th.  We hired a car for a week to get home ourselves and it gave us another excuse to visit Loch Lomond again and take them around a small area of the Lochs to the North of Glasgow and Dumbarton.

It was a little sad to come home and leave Lunar Sea who had given us such an adventure during the summer (summer - really?)  I feel that the James Watt Dock is totally safe for the winter and at least she is in good company with the Superyacht 'Ameryllis' just in front of us giving us more shelter from the winter winds and also 'Drum' which is just across the dock.


Lunar Sea will not be left alone for long as we plan to go up an visit every couple of months.

Lunar Sea nice and safe in James Watt Dock


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