Day 9/10 - Lowestoft to Scarborough

The Best Laid Plans . . . . . .

The initial plan was to sail for either Grimsby or Hull (hopefully) depending on progress and tidal restrictions. It meant an overnight trip of 105 or 120 miles. My son Andrew had come up to Lowestoft to help out with the journey. We left at 11:00.
Luckily I listened to Julia for once (I always do of course!) and phoned Hull Marina about an hour out of Lowestoft.  "The lock gates aren't working but 'maybe' by the weekend". Not really what I wanted to hear.
So. . .  either Grimsby and wait for 'maybe' Hull by the weekend or press on. I looked at the Almanac and Scarborough which was a 140 mile trip seemed the overwhelming best option.
Grimsby had room for us but Scarborough made more sense as it would cut out the next long leg from Hull and also we still had Andrew to help us until Thursday. Last years Almanac still showed that the Inner Harbour dries but this years did say that there was at least 2m and had been dredged.
In a way the decision was made for us, the weather was good and stable and as I write this we are just off Cromer, needing a course of 320 degs. for the next 100 miles with a steady 8-10 knots of NE wind veering to the SE later forecasted. It was just very cold during the night and early morning but I think even my 'bunny' was happy!!!

Cold Andrew


The Other 'Lunar Sea'

We made wonderful progress. Andrew and I took it in turns for a watch during the night and there was a full moon so viz was good. Apart from dodging all the lobster pots from Flamborough Head to Scarborough we had a trouble free voyage. I even cooked Andrew a breakfast (I can't remember the last time I did that).

Off Flamborough Head

Past Filey Bay we even slowed right down to virtually the pace of the tide just to make the tidal gate for Scarborough arrival. At 14:00 we made our entrance 3 hours before High Water Scarborough and actually had plenty of depth.

Off Scarborough

The Harbour Master came to see us just after arrival and we booked in for 4 nights.
Lunar Sea all safe in Scarborough Harbour

We spent part of the evening in Scarborough Yacht Club, I think we all needed a beer.
The Club is housed in the old lighthouse on the end of the quay. Nowadays the light is only used when it is safe to enter the harbour due to the tide. (Not sure at the level it operates)
What a warm and friendly welcome we received there. In fact we were invited back to their RYA 'Push the Boat' Out BBQ on the Saturday.
I would certainly recommend a visit if you ever get a chance. I'm sure the warm and friendly welcome will be there always.
Julia and I booked into a hotel in Hull for a couple of nights so that we could meet up with Peter and Olivia Wearing to share their Champagne and take in a bit of the City of Culture. Andrew travelled with us to Hull where he managed to get his booked train journey home.

We were both indebted for his help. I think he probably averted a mutiny!!


  1. Well done Andrew for averting a mutiny...and I cooked the bacon rolls not your Dad!!!
    Thanks for your help and positive thinking. Julia


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