Day 25 - Eyemouth to Edinburgh (Port Edgar) - 25th May, 2017
Eyemouth to Port Edgar (Edinburgh) - Thursday, 25th May I was keen to get out of here today as there was a May Bank Holiday Fun Fare setting up on the quayside which had 'practised' on Wednesday evening. The thought of that going on when we were trying to sleep for an early start was the deciding factor. As it was we left at 04:40 (High water being 02:40), our second early start in succession, to be sure we cleared the offshore hazards on a falling tide. It was absolutely flat calm and no wind. For once it was a little warmer for that and the forecast was for no change. The Sunrise that greeted us was lovely. It was so flat that I didn't even bother putting out the Main as a stabilizer. It was going to be, as it turned out, the same for the whole trip with the 'Iron Spinnaker' doing all the work set at 1700 revs to give us about 5 knots. It actually turned out to be perfect timing as the tide was against us for only the first couple of hours, th...