2019 - Fourth Leg - Wales - Land of Dragons and Leeks (leaks actually)
Arklow to Milford Haven - 8th/9th July, 2019 The original plan was to cross the Irish Sea from Wexford. I had read and been told that there wasn't much water at the entrance with shifting sandbanks and not very good facilities. The charts confirmed all this so it meant a long passage of 87 miles and about 17 hours from Arklow. I had contemplated going on past Wexford and Rosslare to Kilmore a further 15 miles on but thought the extra mileage wasn't any use especially considering that we had an excellent weather window for the overnight crossing to Milford. To ensure a favourable tidal race off South Bishop rock some 60 miles away it meant leaving just after high water from Arklow. So that meant a 17:30 departure. With a course of 157 degrees we would have a Southerly tide for the first 3-4 hours, turning against us for the next 5 hours and then pick it up again once off Bishops Rock and for the entrance to Milford...